Sunday 5 June 2011

New Way to Cure Panic Attack Symptoms in USA

Fear is a dominating sensation that overrules and corrupts a lot of positive moments in our life. Additionally, a recent discovery has shown that fear is the dominant root-cause behind countless so-called psychosomatic health problems.

Panic attack symptoms in USA
One of the most common health issues that show an epidemic increase are Panic attack Symptoms in usa. What are panic attacks? An increasing amount of people knows from experience how horrible panic attacks feel, but they don’t have a clue what causes these terrifying feelings.

In spite of the fact that panic attack symptoms in USA are very common, doctors and specialists still don’t know how to cure them other than suppressing the symptoms by use of medication. However, suppressing panic attack symptoms doesn’t change anything about their root-cause! You can compare it to smashing a red warning light on the dashboard of your car with a hammer and assuming that the root-cause behind it is cured.

Can panic attack symptoms be cured?
There are a few techniques that promise to cure panic attack symptoms without the use of medication. However, so far, these techniques have only worked for some people and often not for a very long time. Whether it’s NLP, NAC, EMDR, EFT, Psych-K, Byron Katie or many of the other popular methods, they all leave many people with that unsatisfying feeling that there is more, that there is a solution for their problems on a deeper level! And they’re right; there is a solution now!

A new groundbreaking solution to panic attacks
The Dutch researcher and holistic health specialist Jacob Korthuis has discovered a new phenomena called bad clusters. We all have these bad clusters. They’re deeply hidden programs in our subconscious mind that have forced their way in, but don’t belong there. Jacob Korthuis has developed a brand new technique to become aware of these bad clusters and transform their negative health damaging power into health promoting energy without the use of one single medicine. This innovative technique is called Progressive Mental Alignment® or PMA.

Get rid of your panic attack symptoms fast
Ingrid Schabbing is a PMA Master Coach in Florida, USA. If you’re looking for an effective and fast working approach in the USA dealing with panic attacks, then nothing’s better than to experience the PMA technique. To learn more about PMA and its cutting-edge approach on how to trace and remove the root-cause of panic attacks you can contact Ingrid Schabbing ‘The Lifestyle Aligner’.

Ingrid is an expert in applying the PMA technique. According to more and more healthcare professionals, PMA is the most promising treatment of Panic attack Symptoms in usa, yes, even on the planet at this time. Allow yourself the opportunity to learn more about PMA and to discover how to live your life without panic attacks and how to enjoy life to the fullest.

Friday 27 May 2011

The Explosion of Panic Attack Symptoms in USA

Recognize the Panic attack Symptoms in usa in USA
The fear and feeling of losing control that people experience during a panic attack are not in proportion to the true situation they’re in at that moment. Most people with panic attacks experience several of the following symptoms:

• Irrational fear that strikes without warning
• ‘Racing’ heartbeat
• Feeling faint and weak
• Dizziness
• Tingling or numbness in hands and fingers
• Feeling sweaty or having chills
• Chest pains
• Breathing difficulties
• Feeling a loss of control

Panic attacks are generally brief, lasting no more than ten minutes, although some of the symptoms may persist for a longer period of time. People who’ve already had a panic attack are at greater risk of having subsequent panic attacks than those who’ve never experienced one before.

The root-cause behind panic attack symptoms in USA
What is the root-cause behind panic attack symptoms in USA? The extreme feelings of fear during a panic attack are irrational, and apparently without a real cause. But like I said, ‘apparently’ without cause. The recent discovery of so-called ‘bad clusters’ explains the root-cause of panic attack symptoms.

The good news is that the discoverer of bad clusters, the Dutch researcher and holistic health practitioner Jacob Korthuis, has developed a very powerful technique to reveal these bad clusters and transform their negative power into health improving energy. He has called this technique Progressive Mental Alignment® or PMA.

An effective new solution to treat panic attack symptoms
PMA is a groundbreaking technique, based on the discovery of deeply hidden disturbing programs (bad clusters) in our subconscious mind. These bad clusters are the source of many so-called psychosomatic health problems, like panic attacks, depression, behavioral problems, but also migraine, certain types of epilepsy, chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia and many other health disturbing issues.

Discover how to cure Panic attack Symptoms in usa
Ingrid Schabbing is a PMA Master Coach and she uses this completely different approach to treat the root-cause of panic attacks. If you suffer from panic attacks, it is definitely worth your while to contact Ingrid Schabbing “The Lifestyle Aligner”. She will provide you with various very effective blog articles on her website as well as powerful tools to help you discover the cause and solution to panic attacks.

The PMA technique has helped already thousands of people to permanently cure their panic attacks. This is one of the many reasons why PMA is becoming more and more popular with healthcare professionals in the Netherlands, Europe, where PMA was originally developed.

PMA will give you a refreshing and entirely new insight into what controls our health and behavior. PMA will not only show you the way how to cure panic attacks, but also what the root-cause is of all irrational fear and the many diseases that originate from that fear.

Monday 9 May 2011

How to overcome panic attack symptoms

Why do we panic? Some events are so scary of course that only a fool wouldn’t be afraid. Fear is a warning signal that protects us from getting hurt. You could call this a ‘healthy’ fear. But this kind of healthy fear is definitely not the same as to experience those horrifying Panic attack Symptoms in usa.

Why panic without danger?

It is understandable that you would panic if you find yourself in an extremely dangerous and life-threatening situation. But why would you experience those extreme panic attack symptoms when there’s no danger or threat at all? Rationally this does not make any sense.

Bad clusters cause panic attacks

Panic attack symptoms are the result of subconscious programs, called bad clusters. Bad clusters contain wrongly stored and incompletely coded sensory data of a very scary event that you cannot remember. I’m not referring here to so-called ‘suppressed’ or ‘repressed memories’. Bad clusters are not suppressed memories. They consist of wrongly coded sensory data that’s unapproachable to your conscious memory, but causes unhealthy negative feelings in your body. What kind of data is this? Basic things like a smell, sound, facial expression, word, gesture, color, object, etc. Because they’re incorrectly coded, each single piece of data is loaded with the exact same scary feelings as those that were present during the traumatic event that created the bad cluster.

How does it work? When you perceive a certain amount of similar data, like colors, shapes, objects, sounds, smells, words, etc., that is also present in the bad cluster, you will feel the exact same panic attack symptoms that you felt during the moment that the bad cluster was created. The more single pieces of the same bad cluster you perceive at this moment, the more intense the panic attack symptoms will become.

This is why it’s confusing

Here is what makes it so confusing! The activation of the bad cluster pieces is not determined by the context or environment in which you perceive them. As long as you observe the same color, shape, sound, smell, words, you will experience the same nasty panic attack symptoms that are connected to the bad cluster data.

Just imagine how many different colors, shapes, sounds, smells, etc. you perceive at this very moment? Just look around you! There’s a considerable chance that there are several pieces of data in your immediate area right now that are also present in one of your bad clusters! Research has clearly shown that we all have many of these bad clusters hidden in our subconscious mind.

The true solution to panic attacks

The good news is that there is now a technique to uncover the content of bad clusters. It’s called Progressive Mental Alignment®, usually abbreviated to PMA. This groundbreaking technique allows you to transform the negative feelings that are attached to the bad cluster contents into healthy positive energy. The second part of the good news is that it’s a one-time process, without any repetition or conditioning needed afterwards. Once you’ve located and transformed the bad cluster content through the PMA technique, those irrational Panic attack Symptoms in usa will disappear forever.

You can practice PMA as a self-help technique or as a method to help others. More and more professionals in healthcare and counseling use PMA to help people overcome their panic attacks.

If you would like to know what bad clusters are, you’re welcome to watch the free video in which Jacob Korthuis, the developer of PMA, explains an easy solution to get rid of your panic attacks: